Auburnmist Training Centre

about us

The Auburnmist Training Centre is small canine facility that now only offers overnight boarding & handling classes for the show ring, providing unique experiences for dogs and their human companions. The facility is located on seven acres, just 15 minutes south of Calgary.

The Auburnmist Training Centre was opened in 1995, by husband and wife, Keith and Wendy Petkau. When the Petkau’s began their journey of opening the Auburnmist Training Centre, they envisioned the ultimate training facility with keeping the most important client in mind; the dog. The business has flourished over the years, gaining the reputation of being one of the best places to take your dog. Although we no longer offer puppy or obedience classes, we use our extensive canine knowledge while your dogs are in our care.

About Keith & Wendy

Both Keith and Wendy share a unique gift when working with dogs. They have the ability to see the potential in any canine companion, even those that many may deem untrainable.

Keith and Wendy met in 1988 and soon learned that they each shared the same passion for dogs. When they met, Wendy had been breeding and showing Golden Retrievers for almost a decade, and Keith had been competing with his Golden Retrievers in the obedience ring for several years. Keith’s passion for the obedience ring and Wendy’s knowledge of the breed standard inspired them to produce some of the most stunning, intelligent, well rounded working Golden Retrievers in the country  .

In 1988, the Petkau’s began a new journey with Spruce Meadows. They along with a small group of friends began an agility entertainment team known as the Spruce Meadows Prairie Dogs. The Prairie Dogs are made up of numerous volunteers and their own dogs who all share the same goals, fun with their dogs. The Prairie Dogs are a part of every Spruce Meadows tournament, providing their audience with some great entertainment.  To this day the Prairie Dogs are a huge part of Spruce Meadows and a crowd favourite.


Auburnmist Training


Drop-In Handling Class

As of August 26, 2024, I decided to retire from teaching Handling Classes. After nearly 30 years, it was time to hang up my teaching hat, and enjoy my Monday evenings.

thank you to all who have attended my classes over the years, it was a pleasure to work with you and see you blossom in the show ring!

Thank you for understanding, I look forward to seeing you soon at a dog show somewhere!

Coming soon.jpg



Choosing a dog trainer?

It's important to work with a trainer that you are comfortable with. If you are not comfortable with his/her methodology chances are you won't follow through with the training. Your dog deserves the best from you, make sure you get the right inforamtion to train yourself and your dog. Auburnmist welcomes people to come and watch the classes we offer before signing up. If you would like to come watch, please contact us at at 403-969-7699 or by email.

Why Training is a Necessity?

Training is important so that your dog will listen to you, know the rules and for you to know what those rules are! Dogs are not born knowing how to behave, it's up to us as owners to educate them. You will find that most training is about training the owner so the owner can train the dog in between classes.

What's the Best Age for Training?

Training begins the first day a puppy comes home at 8 weeks. The best age to start any class is after the second set of vaccinations (usually at 11 or 12 weeks). At this age puppies absorb the new information and you can develop and nuture good behaviours more readily.



Auburnmist Canine Camp

The Auburnmist Training Centre offers a wide variety of services, programs and classes. All classes, services and programs the facility offers revolve around the Auburnmist philosophy: "With a true understanding of dogs and how they function as social pack animals we can then begin to develop the strong relationship we all strive for. We believe thorough education, before correction gives us a companion with confidence, peace of mind and a zest for life."

The Auburnmist Training Centre is open six days a week; Monday to Saturday.

Hospitality hours for boarding pick-up or drop-off are:


Monday – Friday

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM


10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Sunday and Holidays




Some Of Our Furry Friends


Our Dogs


Please Contact Us At:



Our Drop-Off and Pick-Up Hours for Boarding Are:

Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Sunday and Holidays: Closed


our address:

226152 - 80th Street, East, Foothills, Alberta T2S 3W4

We are south of Calgary. About 10 min south of the south campus hospital. So head south on Deerfoot to Dunbow Road (exit 227) at top of exit, turn Left again. Head East for about 6 km to 80th Street. Turn left and head North on 80th St for a 1/2 km. And we are on the NE corner of 80th St & 236th Ave. it’s a white bungalow with cedar rail fence and to the north of the house is our facility called Auburnmist Training Centre Inc.

If you put this address in your GPS, it often takes you south of here.

Check out the map below to locate us.


Telephone: 403-938-6733