Show News


AM. CH. Multi BIS & BISS Can Grd Ch. Auburnmist Special Blend WC, AGNJ, AGN, RA

Tim finished his American Championship under Connie Gerstner on January, 17, 2012. To learn more about Tim please check him out under Our Dogs.


CAN. CH. Auburnmist Maximum Overdrive


Ryley is awarded his Canadian Championship on Dec. 2, 2011. He finished with a Best of Winners 5 pt win! Ryley is co-owned and loved by Lorna and Mike Haidenger.




CAN. CH. GoldenSunsetAuburnmist Tribute.


Liam finished his Canadian Championship on Fri. July 15, 2011 with BOW. Liam's last weekend as a puppy was awarded BPIG, BOS, BOW under Mike Macbeth and a WD under Denise Cornelson at the Grande Prairie Kennel Club show. Liam is loved and co-owned with Corrie Horne.



CAN. CH. Auburnmist Shopping Spree


Spree finished her Canadian Championship on Sun. July 17, 2011. She finished with from the classes with a Group 2 placement. Spree is loved and co-owned with Dave and Marian Heinze. Pedigree